After the Dreambox ReStream 2.2.0 release, a few bugs come around. So here is the 2.2.1 version that solves some newly introduced bugs. The bugs where mostly related to the new JavaScript and Style sheet code. But it looks pretty stable at this time.
But there are also some new features. First the download doubled in size because of the new Flash players. Now you can chose from three different players. Next to the already used Longtail JW Player, we have now the standard OSMF player and the Grind player. Which is based on the OSMF player. Both new players have the HLS plugin from Together Video Camera. This will add some to the download size. But the are great alternatives to the default Longtail JW Player.
Another feature in limiting the amount of data traffic is the that you are now able to define the max amount of time the EPG should get. In the previous versions the software fetched all the EPG data and pushed it to the client. Now the all the data is still fetched, but the amount of data pushed to the client can be limited to a certain amount of hours in the future.
And we have an About page / information bouquet. Some more promotion for me :D
Have fun, head over to the downloads if your version didn't inform you of an update...