Get you free AJAX LiveCounter here!
This counter is a "Live" counter. That means that counts live the visitors on you site. And the fun part is that the counter can go up or down while you are reading a website. This is because the counter checks every 10 seconds if there are new visitors or that visitors have left. And the counter updates itself with the new number of visitors. The counter is displayed on the left site of this site. That is what it looks like.
You can test it yourself by opening another browser and go to this page. It should be a different browser. So if you are watching this site in IE, open Firefox or Opera, and go to this page again. The counter should say that there is one person more on the site. And in the first browser the counter should increase by one without reloading your page. Watching it two times with the same browser, will count you only once.
The counter works for a complete website. And counts all users on all pages. Not on the page you are watching.... Just the whole website.
How to add a Livecounter on youre site
That's pretty easy. Just include the code in youre website, and you are done. It should be after the <body> tag. Don't change anything in the code. Or else it will not work.