Major update for livecounter.theyosh.nl

The last month, the livecounter.theyosh.nl website had a busy period. Almost every day we reached 900+ requests per second. That is about 30.000+ users that is seeing the counter. The problem that arises is that there not enough upload bandwidth. We have updated the livecounter under the hood, in such a way, that we can not handle 40.000+ users!! That is an increase of 33%!

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Slow performance

Currently my website has a bit slow performance. This is caused by a new project that I am working on :P

I have restarted my livecounter project and updated the site and code a bit. And what happened.... An Argentina website thought that it was nice to use it. But the site is running a tv show with live video streaming. 24/7 a day. And at top times 1000+ viewers. And they all request the livecounter from my server at home.... :D

theyosh Thu, 02/17/2011 - 20:22
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LiveCounter update

From now it is possible to have your own AJAX LiveCounter. Just add one line to your code and voila!

AJAX LiveCounter howto

theyosh Fri, 03/28/2008 - 21:10
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Livecounter code theyosh Tue, 02/26/2008 - 11:56
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Go to the website livecounter.theyosh.nl to get your livecounter code.

Free AJAX Livecounter theyosh Tue, 02/26/2008 - 11:21
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Get you free AJAX LiveCounter here!

This counter is a "Live" counter. That means that counts live the visitors on you site. And the fun part is that the counter can go up or down while you are reading a website. This is because the counter checks every 10 seconds if there are new visitors or that visitors have left. And the counter updates itself with the new number of visitors. The counter is displayed on the left site of this site. That is what it looks like.

Webbased SMS

Een al langere durend project is mijn Webbased SMS tool. Eerst was het geschreven in een simpele vorm zonder dHTML of Ajax. Hierdoor waren er veel bestanden nodig en veel pagina reloads. Nu is alles geschreven in Ajax met het xajax framework. Hierdoor kon dus vrij snel alles opnieuw geschreven worden. Hieronder een lijst met features:

theyosh Fri, 12/29/2006 - 17:02
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Ajax LiveCounter

Als eerste ajax project hebt ik geprobeerd een live counter te maken voor op een website. De counter staat ook hier aan de linker kant. Deze counter vraagt elke 10 seconden aan de server of er ook andere mensen zijn op de website. En als dat zo is wordt de teller verhoogt of verlaagt naar het aantal mensen op de server.

theyosh Fri, 12/29/2006 - 15:28
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Ajax multiplayer spel

Om een beetje handig te worden in Ajax heb ik geprobeerd het spel "boter, kaas en eieren" te maken als een Ajax multiplayer spel.

theyosh Fri, 12/29/2006 - 15:09
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