
Dreambox ReStream 2.0 ɑ

A complete new rewritten version of Dreambox ReStream is available. It is still an alpha version, but it should be pretty stable.

This version has a different code base, and has a different look. This version also supports streaming of your movies on disk like it were Dreambox recordings.

The iPhone support is still a bit buggy, but you should get a nice page when you use your iPhone / Blackberry on ReStream 2.0 website.

Download the 2.0 source code from the project page.

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Dreambox ReStream 1.4.1 - Bugfix version

Just after release of version 1.4 I and others noticed some bugs. These should be fixed now.

A problem was that the XAJAX framework debugging was running. And that can be quit annoying.
A transcoding problem, which made it impossible to stream. Except H.264. Which is not correct of course.

And a new feature is that the Wowza server can now be another server than the webserver.

So get the latest version here now.

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New version of Dreambox ReStream 1.4

As of today there is a new version of Dreambox ReStream. It is version 1.4. Version 1.3 has never been released if you wonder....

This version supports now Flash streaming in H.264 video and MP4A audio. All you need a working Wowza Media Server. And the great thing is that it is FREE! For 10 concurrent users. So that should do. It can be installed on Windows and Linux.
For now it is not possible to have the Wowza server on a different server than VLC and the webserver.

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Flash Music Video Clips

Finaly, all my video clips are converted with ffmpeg to flash movies. Unfortunately, I have to use the old flv codec because of the patents etc.... bla But to compensate that the bitrate is a bit higher to get the same quality.

The idea is that I want to stream music video clips. I like to listing to music, and some video clips are awesome... So now I can watch them over and over :). Also at work.

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Flash Video Music Clips

Flash video clips is een project met als doel om zo snel en makkelijk mogelijk filmpjes in avi of mpeg om te zetten naar een flash movie. Dit is ongeveer dezelfde techniek als YouTube of Google Video.

Klik op de lees meer link om al bestaande flash movies te bekijken en uitleg over de techniek.

theyosh Sun, 01/14/2007 - 12:13
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Northgate DVD Promo

Voor een vriend heb ik de DVD omgezet naar Flash. Zo dat de dvd ook via de website te bekijken. De bron was een DVD die als promo dient. Er staan twee versies online.

function playMovie(pMovie) { var so = new SWFObject("/speeltuin/flvplayer.swf", "flashmovie", "100%", "100%", "7", "#ffffff"); so.addParam("wmode", "transparent"); so.addVariable("file", "/northgate_promo/" + pMovie); so.addVariable("showdigits",true); so.write("flashPlayer"); } playMovie('320-VTS_01_1.VOB.flv');

theyosh Wed, 12/20/2006 - 20:23
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