Website update + upgrade
After a year of waiting this website is upgraded to Drupal 8. All the content is migrated, but we are missing some functionality. But overall the migration went well.
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Free information for Everybody!
After a year of waiting this website is upgraded to Drupal 8. All the content is migrated, but we are missing some functionality. But overall the migration went well.
This week there was a hard disk failure. And it took longer than intended to fix the failing disk. But after four days we are back online... with still a failing disk :(
So at the moment the data is being moved from the failing disk to a new disk. This will take some hours and probably also some downtime. But at least the site is up and the mail is working again.
Currently my website has a bit slow performance. This is caused by a new project that I am working on :P
I have restarted my livecounter project and updated the site and code a bit. And what happened.... An Argentina website thought that it was nice to use it. But the site is running a tv show with live video streaming. 24/7 a day. And at top times 1000+ viewers. And they all request the livecounter from my server at home.... :D
And yes.. finally we are running Drupal 6. I had to manually upgrade because not all modules where available for Drupal 6. But all the stories are there, and all the images also. We only lost the comments. :(
But with an upgrade goes a new design. :) This design is also a free template. You can find the credits on the bottom of the site.
So have fun, and leave a comment about how the website looks like.
From now it is possible to have your own AJAX LiveCounter. Just add one line to your code and voila!
Go to the website to get your livecounter code.
This counter is a "Live" counter. That means that counts live the visitors on you site. And the fun part is that the counter can go up or down while you are reading a website. This is because the counter checks every 10 seconds if there are new visitors or that visitors have left. And the counter updates itself with the new number of visitors. The counter is displayed on the left site of this site. That is what it looks like.
Here you can find all my projects that I am currently working on. Most projects are just small PHP websites. Some projects have a download option to download the source code.
The main projects are:
Eindelijk, de foto's werken.
Dus je kunt nu ook de foto's vergroot zien in plaats van een stomme error. Vandaag was ik er zat van en besloten het eens en voor al op te lossen.
Bij deze!
Bezoek ook eens de image gallery
Voor een vriend heb ik een kleine, korte Dhtml animatie gemaakt voor een website. Het doel was om een soort van uitnodiging te maken om de website 'binnen te komen'. De website is voor een koffieshop in de stad Groningen.
Al gouw kwam het idee om de voorkant van de zaak te nemen de iemand de deur te laten openen enzo je de website inleidt. Ik heb toen voor de grap geroepen dat ik wel zoiets kon maken in een avond. En tja, belofte maakt schuld.