After a few months of debugging and feedback we have now reached Beta 1 of Dreambox ReStream. I want to thank a lot of people for the feedback. It helped a lot to make the software more robust. And to support more different type of images on the Dreambox.
A short list of the much fixes and new features:
- Better enigma web interface parsing. Fixes a lot of issues on Enigma1 systems
- Added setting for Enigma web interface port. Make it more flexible
- New installation wizard. Hopefully is this one better than the first version. Feedback is appreciated
- Full Wowza Media Server 2 support. With a valid license of Wowza Media Server 2 you will have live iPhone streaming. (and soon Smooth Streaming)
- Multi bit rate support. You can now create up to three streams with different bit rate. Can go up to 4Mbps. (needs a lot of CPU power :P )
- Better support for mobile phones. Should work on Blackberrys and Android phones. (Mobile interface can be a bit slow...)
Download the latest version. Unpack it in your web server web root. Open the installation wizard at install/index.html. It will guide you through the setup process.
The main difference with the previous alpha versions is that Wowza Media Server 2 is pulling the stream from VLC and will have a different setup than in the alpha versions. So make sure that you have Wowza Media Server 2 setup correctly!
More information and download here