Slow performance

Currently my website has a bit slow performance. This is caused by a new project that I am working on :P

I have restarted my livecounter project and updated the site and code a bit. And what happened.... An Argentina website thought that it was nice to use it. But the site is running a tv show with live video streaming. 24/7 a day. And at top times 1000+ viewers. And they all request the livecounter from my server at home.... :D

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Dreambox ReStream 2.0 Final!

I proudly present Dreambox ReStream 2.0!

The final version is released after a long time of development. The biggest problem was to get the stream running on a mobile phone. Due to codec problems, the final version has dropped mobile support out of the box. It can be realized but needs some manual adjustments in the code.

The main features are now that we have multi bit rate. Default there are three bitrates. But it can be increased or decreased. More information how to change will be at the FAQ.

theyosh Thu, 02/17/2011 - 19:40
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How to debug Dreambox ReStream

If you have problems like, the boutiques or channels are not loaded. Zapping to a channel does not work. etc.

You can debug Dreambox ReStream, you can add the following querystring to the weburl:

This will open a popup window (allow them to open in your browser). In that popup window you will get all the actions that are done. If there are red messages, than there are problems.

Dreambox ReStream 2.0 ß1

After a few months of debugging and feedback we have now reached Beta 1 of Dreambox ReStream. I want to thank a lot of people for the feedback. It helped a lot to make the software more robust. And to support more different type of images on the Dreambox.

A short list of the much fixes and new features:

Dreambox ReStream 2.0 ɑ

A complete new rewritten version of Dreambox ReStream is available. It is still an alpha version, but it should be pretty stable.

This version has a different code base, and has a different look. This version also supports streaming of your movies on disk like it were Dreambox recordings.

The iPhone support is still a bit buggy, but you should get a nice page when you use your iPhone / Blackberry on ReStream 2.0 website.

Download the 2.0 source code from the project page.

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