Change the video bitrates for Dreambox ReStream
How to reduce the amount of bit rates for Dreambox ReStreaming.
theyosh Tue, 05/14/2013 - 11:45

Sometimes it looks like that the CPU does not have enough power to transcode the stream. By default Dreambox ReStream has two bit rates enabled. This is the 512 Kbps and the 200Kbps version.

To change the bit rates and or the amount of bit rates do the following:

Edit the file VLCServer.class.php and look for the following lines

Livecounter 2.0 release

Livecounter version 2.0Today a new version of the Livecounter software is online!. After running the software for a few years, it was time to make an update. The code has be changed over the years. But there was not a big major release until now!. The javascript code is almost completely rewritten.

This new version has the following updates:

Story type

Dreambox Ziggo Channel list update

Today a new version of my code for generating channels lists for your Dreambox. It did had some problems with UTF-8 special characters. That is fixed now. And during the code change, a lot of changes are made. The code is now more readable. Maybe it will be released once...

A few other fixes are that not all the SD channels where replaced with there HD replacement. There are no duplicate channels any more.

Changed the channel boutique name

Made the code cache the external content, so the generating of the files and downloading them should be a bit improved.

Story type